Self Improvement 10 Course Bundle Certification

Included as part of the unlimited membership
RRP $290.00 $72.50 BUY NOW

Self Improvement 10 Course Bundle Certification

Are you looking to transform yourself, change old habits and set yourself new goals? Self-improvement can be life-changing and this course bundle will give you the tools you need to pursue improvement in various aspects of your life, from decision making to public speaking and memory enhancement.

Few things in life are more rewarding than making changes that can significantly improve your life and wellbeing. If you are ready to take action and make positive changes this course bundle is for you.  

What You Will Learn:

  • The most common problems that arise during communication, and how to resolve them
  • The differences between emotional, intuitive and rational decision making
  • How to appear confident, even in situations that make you nervous
  • How to incorporate memory-boosting exercises into your everyday life
  • An overview of negotiation skills
  • The basic steps involved in solving any problem
  • How to prepare yourself emotionally and practically to deliver a great speech
  • Habits that will help you deal with setbacks and remain calm in times of stress
  • The five main influencers of human behavior and how you should respond to them

Benefits of Taking the Course:

  • This course will teach you how to work successfully with anyone and includes insight into how conflict arises, and how you can get your message across quickly and clearly
  • You will learn how to avoid decision-making pitfalls, such as confirmation bias and anchoring
  • You will experience a greater sense of connection in your personal relationships
  • You will learn tips that will help you pick up new skills quickly
  • Enhancing your memory will slow natural age-related decline, which will improve your quality of life into old age
  • You will understand how to use the five whys of root cause analysis in order to quickly identify the true issue when problem-solving
  • You will be able how to identify and overcome the common fears and anxiety associated with public speaking
  • You will learn how to adopt a calmer outlook on life, which in turn will improve your mental and physical health
  • You will become more persuasive in your everyday life without resorting to aggression

This course includes

24/7 Student Support

End of course certification

Lifetime access to your course

Compatible with modern devices

PLUS - Access to the exclusive New Skills Academy Study Group!

This is a bundle course, and contains the following courses:

Communication Basics Certificate

Sound communication skills are vital to your success in the workplace. Unfortunately, many people find it hard to communicate or decode spoken and written messages. This can give rise to arguments and misunderstandings. This course will provide you with an insight into the pillars of communication, and how you can use them to enhance your relationships at work and at home.

You Will Learn:

  • The basic model underlying all forms of communication
  • The most common problems that arise during communication, and how to resolve them
  • How to deal with conflict in the early stages
  • How to use body language to emphasise your message
  • What to do if you do not understand what someone else is saying

Benefits Of Taking This Course:

  • Reliable communication is essential to all healthy relationships, so this course is relevant to people working in any sector
  • If you are responsible for resolving disputes at work, this course will give you an insight into how conflict can arise in the first place
  • If you train others as part of your job, this course will help you get your message across quickly and easily
  • If you work with people from diverse backgrounds, this course will help bridge the gap by teaching you how to work successfully with anyone

Effective Decision Making Certification

Every day, you are faced with millions of choices. Decisions are everywhere, from the moment you wake up until the moment you go to bed. Some, such as what to wear that day, are minor, while others, such as what course of action to take with your business, who to hire or what policies to enact, are much more major.

Each one is important. For example, if you cannot decide what to wear, you may take a lot longer to get ready in the morning or may not feel as confident, once you get to work.

Understanding more about this process gives you the tools that you need, in order to make the right choices for your life.

This course goes into detail about the entire decision-making process. It begins by talking about the various styles of decision making, giving you examples of each.

Next, we explore the traps that often plague decision making. Falling into these traps can derail your entire process or cause you to make an unwise choice.

Finally, we give you the five steps that you should follow, to ensure that every decision that you make is best for you, your needs and the situation at hand.

You will Learn:

  • The differences between emotional, intuitive and rational decision making
  • When it is an ideal situation for each style
  • The various decision-making traps that you can easily fall into, if you are not careful
  • How to avoid each trap listed
  • Details about each step that you need to follow in the process, and why they are important

Benefits of Taking this Course:

  • Learning about the benefits of emotional, intuitive and rational reasoning
  • Understanding detailed information regarding decision-making pitfalls, such as confirmation bias and anchoring
  • Learning how to make the best decisions possible for you, your organisation and its future needs
  • Understanding and being able to put into practice each of the five decision-making steps
  • Understanding the value of evaluation, once the decision has been made

Improve Your Social Skills Certification

Good social skills are essential for success in every area of life. People who are willing and able to make positive connections with others are also mentally and physically healthier.

In this course, you will learn practical strategies and tips that will improve your communication skills, help you build relationships and recover from social rejection. With practice, anyone can learn to navigate social situations with ease.

You Will Learn:

  • Why giving compliments is a good way to begin practising your social skills
  • How to make small talk that will help you develop positive relationships
  • How to listen to others
  • How to appear confident, even in situations that make you nervous
  • What you should do if you make a mistake in front of others

Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • You will appear more confident and credible at work, which will improve your professional reputation and job prospects
  • You will enjoy greater rapport with your co-workers, which will enhance your general job satisfaction
  • You will experience a greater sense of connection in your personal relationships
  • If you want to make new friends, this course will help you expand your social circle

Learning Strategies Certification

Whether you want to get better grades or pick up a new skill in your free time, using recognised learning strategies will help you get the results you need. In this course, you will learn how to use learning techniques that will help you retain information and recall it whenever you wish.

You will Learn:

  • Why you should leave gaps between learning sessions
  • Why you should practise a mix of skills within the same session
  • How to use the 'five R's' of note-taking
  • How to make dull content more interesting
  • How to take breaks during learning sessions

Benefits of Taking this Course:

  • If you are a student, this course will help you remember important information during exams and assessed tasks
  • If you need to learn a new skill at work, this course will help you pick it up quickly
  • If you work as a teacher or trainer, this course will help you teach your students how to learn
  • If you are interested in psychology, you will benefit from this brief insight into how we remember information
  • If you are a parent, this course will help you support your child or teenager during their school years

Memory Enhancement Certification

A good memory is a useful asset at work and home, but many of us know that our skills in this area could benefit from some improvement. Memory enhancement is especially important in later life, as our brains start to shrink. In this course, you will discover practical lifestyle changes, exercises, and strategies that will enhance your memory and stimulate your brain.

You Will Learn:

  • How your diet and hydration levels affect your memory
  • The role of brain training apps in improving memory
  • How to incorporate memory-boosting exercises into your everyday life
  • Why meditation may help your memory
  • Why taking up a new hobby or learning a second language will enhance your memory

Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • Improving your memory will make you more effective at work
  • Improving your memory will help improve your confidence in social situations, as you are less likely to forget names and other key details
  • Enhancing your memory will slow natural age-related decline, which will improve your quality of life into old age
  • If you are a student, this course will help you improve your grades and approach your studies with confidence

Negotiation Skills Certification

The Negotiation Skills Certification course is one that will supply information about how to negotiate with anyone in any field. This is a course that offers an intensive method of training by giving you the tools and teaching the skills that you will require to become a master negotiator.

The skill of negotiating is one that is prised among hiring managers as one of the best business skills to have, and this course will prepare you to negotiate with colleagues, other business people, customers, and almost anyone. Upon completion, you will have the ability to work out any impossible situation simply by relying on what you have learnt in this course.

Introduction to the Negotiation Skills Certification

While taking this online training course, you will have the ability to study for your Negotiation Skills certification when it is convenient for you and at your own pace. Many students continue to work whilst taking the course, and study in the comfort of their own home.

When the course is complete, you will take a full multiple choice exam. If you pass, you will obtain your nationally recognised certification, which you can print at home, or we will post it to you for a fee.

What You Will Learn

We have designed the Negotiation Skills Diploma course to provide you with a full overview on how to negotiate in the workplace and improve your business standing. This course includes the following:

  • An overview of negotiation skills
  • Information on the elements involved in successful negotiation
  • The skills required to be an effective negotiator
  • The psychological aspects of negotiating
  • Dealing with pressure from customers, colleagues, and supervisors during negotiations
  • Creating an objective list for negotiating
  • How negotiating and communication work hand in hand
  • When and how to make concessions when you are negotiating
  • How to wrap up negotiations and where to go from there

Benefits of the Negotiation Skills Certification

You will experience many benefits upon completing your online Negotiation Skills Certification. These benefits include:

  • The capability to study from anywhere with an internet or Wi-Fi connection. This includes at home, on your lunch break at work, or even at other local businesses.
  • When taking this course, you can study when it is convenient for you. There is no time limit, so you can complete the course in days, weeks, or even months.
  • You can use any internet connected device to study, including mobiles, tablets and PCs.
  • This course is broken down into modules, which make it easy to manage in parts. This ensures that you will have the most enjoyable learning experience possible.
  • Convenient online support is available as you study, which ensures that you will stay on track during the process.
  • You will have access to the comprehensive syllabus, which guarantees to give you all you require to put your career and your negotiation skills on the fast track.
  • You will have better prospects when applying for work, as employers see negotiation skills as a very valuable asset.
  • This is a trustworthy, certified diploma.
  • The pricing structure of the course is affordable.

Problem Solving Certification

Problem solving is a skill that you need in every single area of your life. From facing unexpected issues at home to confronting workplace challenges, problem solving skills are essential.

For those in the business world, not having these skills can be the difference between lucrative success and massive failure. Coming up with ways in which to identify, address and solve problems is not always easy. Thankfully, there are a few key techniques and methods that you can master, making problem solving a much less daunting task.

This course goes into detail regarding problem solving, including the important problem solving skills that you need to develop. We begin by giving you a brief introduction to problem solving, along with a discussion of the very basic steps involved. Next, we discuss the process that you can go through in order to identify why a problem is occurring, along with a step-by-step guide to implementing this strategy in your life.

We also review a four-phase problem solving technique that is commonly used in workplaces across the UK. Finally, we review the five steps you need to correct an issue once you have identified it.

You will Learn:

  • The basic steps involved in solving any problem
  • How to determine the root cause of any issue
  • How to use one of the most popular problem solving methods currently used in most industries across the country
  • How to come up with a series of solutions that may address the issue
  • The importance of post-implementation testing and evaluation

Benefits of Taking this Course:

  • Learning how to use the five whys of root cause analysis in order to quickly identify the true issue
  • Learning the four phases of the PDCA problem solving model
  • Understanding the role of collaboration in problem solving attempts
  • Learning why you should not rush or judge yourself during the ideas generation process
  • Learning what steps to take if the first potential solution does not address or solve the problem at hand

Public Speaking Certification

The ability to inspire, engage and enthuse others with your words and passion is a vital tool for leadership, sales and virtually all aspects of business.

Great public speakers are able to communicate in a way which captures attention and drives action. Conversely, poor public speakers can damage their own reputation as an expert and tarnish others' opinion of the organization they represent.

While we all know how to speak, it is a common mistake to assume the same methods can effectively transmit important ideas and persuasive content to large groups of people. Public speaking is a skill, not a natural talent, and most people are petrified of it simply because they have never been taught how to do it well. Set aside your fears and calm your nerves while you learn exactly how to master the art and science of persuasive public speaking.

This course has been designed for anybody wishing to improve their confidence and capability in this essential business and personal skill. The information presented is supported with practical opportunities to enhance the skills, aptitudes and emotional mastery needed to successfully wow your audience.

By taking this course you will learn the methods, tools and knowledge needed to successfully present your ideas and expertise to an audience of any size. This course takes you on a journey through the essential knowledge, psychology, practical steps and personal development needed to optimize your public speaking performance. Worksheets, quizzes, tests and interactive exercises are provided to support your learning and enhance your abilities.

What you will learn:

  • How to prepare yourself emotionally and practically to deliver a great speech
  • Methods to enhance your credibility, authority and appeal as a public speaker
  • Planning tools and preparation techniques which enhance the quality of your speech
  • How to use your voice and body to authentically connect with your audience
  • Best practices for opening and closing speeches to optimize their effectiveness
  • Psychological techniques which help you relax and influence your audience
  • How to prepare presentation materials and visual aids suitable for your audience

Benefits of taking this course:

  • Learn how to identify and overcome the common fears and anxiety associated with public speaking
  • Gather practical experience, feedback and data which will improve your skills and confidence
  • Identify and upgrade your vocal qualities to make your delivery more interesting and appealing
  • Receive detailed processes and emotional guidance to support speech preparation and delivery
  • Develop your own unique style of presenting which allows your personality and expertise to shine

Taking this course will empower you to calmly and confidently speak in public in ways which your audience will greatly appreciate. The power of successfully captivating and inspiring crowds of people cannot be underestimated. Learn how to be an effective and enjoyable public speaker.

Introduction to Success Habits Certification

Success is not an isolated event. It is the culmination of many small actions and habits over time.

Habits shape all areas of our lives, from how we think about our problems to the food choices we make at every meal. In this course, you will learn which habits you need to adopt to enjoy success in your professional and personal life.

You Will Learn:

  • Why it is important to cultivate good habits
  • Why successful people tend to value their sleep
  • Why you should read on a regular basis
  • The habits that will help you handle your workload
  • The habits that will help you deal with setbacks and remain calm in times of stress

Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • This course will teach you how to adopt a calmer outlook on life, which in turn will improve your mental and physical health
  • This course will improve your resilience, meaning you will be able to cope more easily with the demands of your work
  • If you mentor others at work, this course will help you pass on useful tips that will help them succeed
  • This course will be of interest if you enjoy learning about positive psychology, as it will help you appreciate why some people are more successful than others

The Art of Persuasion Certification

The art of persuasion is a difficult one to master but is an invaluable skill to possess.

No one wants to be forced to use coercion or aggressive tactics to get their point across or to find common ground on an issue.

Persuasion is based on reasoning and understanding rather than hostility or threats, making it the best way to convince your conversation partner that you are right or that your way of doing things is the preferred one.

This course goes into detail about how you can develop your own persuasive skills. By practising these skills, you may find that you master the art of persuasion in very little time.

We begin by discussing the way human behavior is often motivated.

Next, we move on to discuss Aristotle's persuasive techniques - ones that are still very relevant today.

Finally, we leave you with the steps you should take to ensure that your argument is persuasive. These steps work well in both speech and the written word, making them ideal for essay writers and presenters alike.

You Will Learn:

  • The five main influencers of human behavior and how you should respond to them
  • The four modes of persuasion and how they can be applied today
  • Information on how those persuasive techniques can be used for good or bad intentions
  • How to use Monroe's Motivated Sequence to your advantage

Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • Learning how to become more persuasive in your everyday life without resorting to aggression
  • Being able to participate in more productive conversations
  • Understanding why people tend to display the habits they do
  • Learning how to use simple persuasive techniques in your everyday speech
  • Learning how to construct a persuasive argument in just a few simple steps

of achievement

This certificate is presented to

Your Name


For completing the

Self Improvement 10 Course Bundle Certification

on 21st November 2024

Selena Hurford

Selena Hurford

Course Tutor


Daniel Morgan

Daniel Morgan

Head of Academy

Certificate Example

Anyone who has an interest in learning more about this subject matter is encouraged to take the course. There are no entry requirements to take the course.

The course is broken down into 0 individual modules. Each module takes between 20 and 90 minutes on average to study. Although you are free to spend as much or as little time as you feel necessary on each module, simply log in and out of the course at your convenience.

You can study the course any time you like. Simply log in and out of the web based course as often as you require. The course is compatible with all computers, tablet devices and smart phones so you can even study while on the move!

Once you have completed all 0 modules there is a multiple choice test. The questions will be on a range of topics found within the 0 modules. The test, like the course, is online and can be taken a time and location of your choosing.

The pass mark for the test is 70%.

If you don’t pass the test first time you will get further opportunities to take the test again after extra study. There are no limits to the number of times you can take the test. All test retakes are included within the price of the course.

Once you have completed your test you can log in to your account and download/print your certificate any time you need it. If you would prefer us to post you a certificate to a UK address, there will be an admin charge of £10 (certificates sent internationally may cost more).

You can either use your Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Solo cards or PayPal account to pay for the online course. Our site uses the latest SSL encryption to ensure your safety. All payments are handled securely by PayPal.

You can begin the course immediately after your payment has been received. You will create your login details during the checkout process. We will also send you an email confirming your login details.

We estimate that the course will take about 8 hours to complete in total, plus an additional 30 minutes for the end of course test.

Once you have been awarded your certificate it is valid for life. The certificate does not expire or need renewing.

I found the CRM course to be very informative & user friendly. The knowledge I've gained, after completing five detailed modules & a short exam, has given me a much better understanding of CRM and this personal development will help me to implement new processes in the workplace. The entire course is available on demand, before and after completion, meaning you can go over every module until you're confident enough to take the exam. For anybody looking to gain information on what Customer Relationship Management is, and how it can improve your business, I cannot not recommend this course highly enough.

Joe Shawyer

This course was amazing and fun!

Not only was it very informative and well categorized and divided into easy learning sections, but also very complete and offering tons of valuable information to succeed as a Landscaper.

The illustrations and photos are very helpful and provide a clear image of how to do things and how things ought to look and also help for future reference along with the worksheets that are downloadable which assist in the learning process.

The course covers every aspect of Garden Design & Landscaping and it was a pleasure completing this course - highly recommend it to anybody with an interest in becoming a Landscaper or for the individual who has an interest in broadening their knowledge in the garden.

Wayne Lavarinhas

This is a fantastic course! I really enjoyed it. The most useful module is about working with autistic children. There are lots of tips how to deal with autistic behaviour!

This course really helps me in my work as a support for the 4-old autistic boy in a nursery. Every day I use an imaginative role play to develop his social skills. It really works! This course also increases my knowledge about autism and other related conditions.

Thanks to all modules I could increase my English terminology about autism as well (I am Polish). I can recommend this course to all people who are interested in autism! Thank you very much for this course.

Monika Dudek

It was great, lots of knowledge and able to learn at my own pace was fantastic, and that I have access to it after completing exam is great too!

I am excited to start further learning and will likely try another course provided from this website! Exam was easy and straight forward, and provided you with the questions you did not get correct so that you are able to further study.

I have recommended this site to friends and family, and will continue learning! Thank you so much New Skills Academy! You are an amazing site and I am grateful!

Anahita Dehghani

I have just complete the nail technician diploma award and delivered professional manicures and nail extensions to my friends and family who are very pleased with their treatments! The course was easy to follow and fun to do!

Fiona Baker

I must honestly say that this course website is a great help for learning new information on previous courses as I did a Premiere Animal Care 1 year course.

Ever since my mum introduced me to this website and got me on the "Dog Grooming Diploma" course through New Skills , we also came across many other great courses and offers and not only did I learn new skills, techniques and information while working on my modules my previous knowledge on dog care expanded tremendously!

I would definitely recommend this website to friends and family to help them gain skills, experience and knowledge on whatever job they are hoping to get with the qualifications from their chosen course.

Parmjit Uppal

8 hours

Lifetime Access

Approved by:

Learning Type:

Text based modules  Images 


was $290.00

Self Improvement 10 Course Bundle Certification

Are you looking to transform yourself, change old habits and set yourself new goals? Self-improvement can be life-changing and this course bundle will give you the tools you need to pursue improvement in various aspects of your life, from decision making to public speaking and memory enhancement.

Few things in life are more rewarding than making changes that can significantly improve your life and wellbeing. If you are ready to take action and make positive changes this course bundle is for you.  

What You Will Learn:

  • The most common problems that arise during communication, and how to resolve them
  • The differences between emotional, intuitive and rational decision making
  • How to appear confident, even in situations that make you nervous
  • How to incorporate memory-boosting exercises into your everyday life
  • An overview of negotiation skills
  • The basic steps involved in solving any problem
  • How to prepare yourself emotionally and practically to deliver a great speech
  • Habits that will help you deal with setbacks and remain calm in times of stress
  • The five main influencers of human behavior and how you should respond to them

Benefits of Taking the Course:

  • This course will teach you how to work successfully with anyone and includes insight into how conflict arises, and how you can get your message across quickly and clearly
  • You will learn how to avoid decision-making pitfalls, such as confirmation bias and anchoring
  • You will experience a greater sense of connection in your personal relationships
  • You will learn tips that will help you pick up new skills quickly
  • Enhancing your memory will slow natural age-related decline, which will improve your quality of life into old age
  • You will understand how to use the five whys of root cause analysis in order to quickly identify the true issue when problem-solving
  • You will be able how to identify and overcome the common fears and anxiety associated with public speaking
  • You will learn how to adopt a calmer outlook on life, which in turn will improve your mental and physical health
  • You will become more persuasive in your everyday life without resorting to aggression

This course includes

24/7 Student Support

End of course certification

Lifetime access to your course

Compatible with modern devices

PLUS - Access to the exclusive New Skills Academy Study Group!

This is a bundle course, and contains the following courses:

Communication Basics Certificate

Sound communication skills are vital to your success in the workplace. Unfortunately, many people find it hard to communicate or decode spoken and written messages. This can give rise to arguments and misunderstandings. This course will provide you with an insight into the pillars of communication, and how you can use them to enhance your relationships at work and at home.

You Will Learn:

  • The basic model underlying all forms of communication
  • The most common problems that arise during communication, and how to resolve them
  • How to deal with conflict in the early stages
  • How to use body language to emphasise your message
  • What to do if you do not understand what someone else is saying

Benefits Of Taking This Course:

  • Reliable communication is essential to all healthy relationships, so this course is relevant to people working in any sector
  • If you are responsible for resolving disputes at work, this course will give you an insight into how conflict can arise in the first place
  • If you train others as part of your job, this course will help you get your message across quickly and easily
  • If you work with people from diverse backgrounds, this course will help bridge the gap by teaching you how to work successfully with anyone

Effective Decision Making Certification

Every day, you are faced with millions of choices. Decisions are everywhere, from the moment you wake up until the moment you go to bed. Some, such as what to wear that day, are minor, while others, such as what course of action to take with your business, who to hire or what policies to enact, are much more major.

Each one is important. For example, if you cannot decide what to wear, you may take a lot longer to get ready in the morning or may not feel as confident, once you get to work.

Understanding more about this process gives you the tools that you need, in order to make the right choices for your life.

This course goes into detail about the entire decision-making process. It begins by talking about the various styles of decision making, giving you examples of each.

Next, we explore the traps that often plague decision making. Falling into these traps can derail your entire process or cause you to make an unwise choice.

Finally, we give you the five steps that you should follow, to ensure that every decision that you make is best for you, your needs and the situation at hand.

You will Learn:

  • The differences between emotional, intuitive and rational decision making
  • When it is an ideal situation for each style
  • The various decision-making traps that you can easily fall into, if you are not careful
  • How to avoid each trap listed
  • Details about each step that you need to follow in the process, and why they are important

Benefits of Taking this Course:

  • Learning about the benefits of emotional, intuitive and rational reasoning
  • Understanding detailed information regarding decision-making pitfalls, such as confirmation bias and anchoring
  • Learning how to make the best decisions possible for you, your organisation and its future needs
  • Understanding and being able to put into practice each of the five decision-making steps
  • Understanding the value of evaluation, once the decision has been made

Improve Your Social Skills Certification

Good social skills are essential for success in every area of life. People who are willing and able to make positive connections with others are also mentally and physically healthier.

In this course, you will learn practical strategies and tips that will improve your communication skills, help you build relationships and recover from social rejection. With practice, anyone can learn to navigate social situations with ease.

You Will Learn:

  • Why giving compliments is a good way to begin practising your social skills
  • How to make small talk that will help you develop positive relationships
  • How to listen to others
  • How to appear confident, even in situations that make you nervous
  • What you should do if you make a mistake in front of others

Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • You will appear more confident and credible at work, which will improve your professional reputation and job prospects
  • You will enjoy greater rapport with your co-workers, which will enhance your general job satisfaction
  • You will experience a greater sense of connection in your personal relationships
  • If you want to make new friends, this course will help you expand your social circle

Learning Strategies Certification

Whether you want to get better grades or pick up a new skill in your free time, using recognised learning strategies will help you get the results you need. In this course, you will learn how to use learning techniques that will help you retain information and recall it whenever you wish.

You will Learn:

  • Why you should leave gaps between learning sessions
  • Why you should practise a mix of skills within the same session
  • How to use the 'five R's' of note-taking
  • How to make dull content more interesting
  • How to take breaks during learning sessions

Benefits of Taking this Course:

  • If you are a student, this course will help you remember important information during exams and assessed tasks
  • If you need to learn a new skill at work, this course will help you pick it up quickly
  • If you work as a teacher or trainer, this course will help you teach your students how to learn
  • If you are interested in psychology, you will benefit from this brief insight into how we remember information
  • If you are a parent, this course will help you support your child or teenager during their school years

Memory Enhancement Certification

A good memory is a useful asset at work and home, but many of us know that our skills in this area could benefit from some improvement. Memory enhancement is especially important in later life, as our brains start to shrink. In this course, you will discover practical lifestyle changes, exercises, and strategies that will enhance your memory and stimulate your brain.

You Will Learn:

  • How your diet and hydration levels affect your memory
  • The role of brain training apps in improving memory
  • How to incorporate memory-boosting exercises into your everyday life
  • Why meditation may help your memory
  • Why taking up a new hobby or learning a second language will enhance your memory

Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • Improving your memory will make you more effective at work
  • Improving your memory will help improve your confidence in social situations, as you are less likely to forget names and other key details
  • Enhancing your memory will slow natural age-related decline, which will improve your quality of life into old age
  • If you are a student, this course will help you improve your grades and approach your studies with confidence

Negotiation Skills Certification

The Negotiation Skills Certification course is one that will supply information about how to negotiate with anyone in any field. This is a course that offers an intensive method of training by giving you the tools and teaching the skills that you will require to become a master negotiator.

The skill of negotiating is one that is prised among hiring managers as one of the best business skills to have, and this course will prepare you to negotiate with colleagues, other business people, customers, and almost anyone. Upon completion, you will have the ability to work out any impossible situation simply by relying on what you have learnt in this course.

Introduction to the Negotiation Skills Certification

While taking this online training course, you will have the ability to study for your Negotiation Skills certification when it is convenient for you and at your own pace. Many students continue to work whilst taking the course, and study in the comfort of their own home.

When the course is complete, you will take a full multiple choice exam. If you pass, you will obtain your nationally recognised certification, which you can print at home, or we will post it to you for a fee.

What You Will Learn

We have designed the Negotiation Skills Diploma course to provide you with a full overview on how to negotiate in the workplace and improve your business standing. This course includes the following:

  • An overview of negotiation skills
  • Information on the elements involved in successful negotiation
  • The skills required to be an effective negotiator
  • The psychological aspects of negotiating
  • Dealing with pressure from customers, colleagues, and supervisors during negotiations
  • Creating an objective list for negotiating
  • How negotiating and communication work hand in hand
  • When and how to make concessions when you are negotiating
  • How to wrap up negotiations and where to go from there

Benefits of the Negotiation Skills Certification

You will experience many benefits upon completing your online Negotiation Skills Certification. These benefits include:

  • The capability to study from anywhere with an internet or Wi-Fi connection. This includes at home, on your lunch break at work, or even at other local businesses.
  • When taking this course, you can study when it is convenient for you. There is no time limit, so you can complete the course in days, weeks, or even months.
  • You can use any internet connected device to study, including mobiles, tablets and PCs.
  • This course is broken down into modules, which make it easy to manage in parts. This ensures that you will have the most enjoyable learning experience possible.
  • Convenient online support is available as you study, which ensures that you will stay on track during the process.
  • You will have access to the comprehensive syllabus, which guarantees to give you all you require to put your career and your negotiation skills on the fast track.
  • You will have better prospects when applying for work, as employers see negotiation skills as a very valuable asset.
  • This is a trustworthy, certified diploma.
  • The pricing structure of the course is affordable.

Problem Solving Certification

Problem solving is a skill that you need in every single area of your life. From facing unexpected issues at home to confronting workplace challenges, problem solving skills are essential.

For those in the business world, not having these skills can be the difference between lucrative success and massive failure. Coming up with ways in which to identify, address and solve problems is not always easy. Thankfully, there are a few key techniques and methods that you can master, making problem solving a much less daunting task.

This course goes into detail regarding problem solving, including the important problem solving skills that you need to develop. We begin by giving you a brief introduction to problem solving, along with a discussion of the very basic steps involved. Next, we discuss the process that you can go through in order to identify why a problem is occurring, along with a step-by-step guide to implementing this strategy in your life.

We also review a four-phase problem solving technique that is commonly used in workplaces across the UK. Finally, we review the five steps you need to correct an issue once you have identified it.

You will Learn:

  • The basic steps involved in solving any problem
  • How to determine the root cause of any issue
  • How to use one of the most popular problem solving methods currently used in most industries across the country
  • How to come up with a series of solutions that may address the issue
  • The importance of post-implementation testing and evaluation

Benefits of Taking this Course:

  • Learning how to use the five whys of root cause analysis in order to quickly identify the true issue
  • Learning the four phases of the PDCA problem solving model
  • Understanding the role of collaboration in problem solving attempts
  • Learning why you should not rush or judge yourself during the ideas generation process
  • Learning what steps to take if the first potential solution does not address or solve the problem at hand

Public Speaking Certification

The ability to inspire, engage and enthuse others with your words and passion is a vital tool for leadership, sales and virtually all aspects of business.

Great public speakers are able to communicate in a way which captures attention and drives action. Conversely, poor public speakers can damage their own reputation as an expert and tarnish others' opinion of the organization they represent.

While we all know how to speak, it is a common mistake to assume the same methods can effectively transmit important ideas and persuasive content to large groups of people. Public speaking is a skill, not a natural talent, and most people are petrified of it simply because they have never been taught how to do it well. Set aside your fears and calm your nerves while you learn exactly how to master the art and science of persuasive public speaking.

This course has been designed for anybody wishing to improve their confidence and capability in this essential business and personal skill. The information presented is supported with practical opportunities to enhance the skills, aptitudes and emotional mastery needed to successfully wow your audience.

By taking this course you will learn the methods, tools and knowledge needed to successfully present your ideas and expertise to an audience of any size. This course takes you on a journey through the essential knowledge, psychology, practical steps and personal development needed to optimize your public speaking performance. Worksheets, quizzes, tests and interactive exercises are provided to support your learning and enhance your abilities.

What you will learn:

  • How to prepare yourself emotionally and practically to deliver a great speech
  • Methods to enhance your credibility, authority and appeal as a public speaker
  • Planning tools and preparation techniques which enhance the quality of your speech
  • How to use your voice and body to authentically connect with your audience
  • Best practices for opening and closing speeches to optimize their effectiveness
  • Psychological techniques which help you relax and influence your audience
  • How to prepare presentation materials and visual aids suitable for your audience

Benefits of taking this course:

  • Learn how to identify and overcome the common fears and anxiety associated with public speaking
  • Gather practical experience, feedback and data which will improve your skills and confidence
  • Identify and upgrade your vocal qualities to make your delivery more interesting and appealing
  • Receive detailed processes and emotional guidance to support speech preparation and delivery
  • Develop your own unique style of presenting which allows your personality and expertise to shine

Taking this course will empower you to calmly and confidently speak in public in ways which your audience will greatly appreciate. The power of successfully captivating and inspiring crowds of people cannot be underestimated. Learn how to be an effective and enjoyable public speaker.

Introduction to Success Habits Certification

Success is not an isolated event. It is the culmination of many small actions and habits over time.

Habits shape all areas of our lives, from how we think about our problems to the food choices we make at every meal. In this course, you will learn which habits you need to adopt to enjoy success in your professional and personal life.

You Will Learn:

  • Why it is important to cultivate good habits
  • Why successful people tend to value their sleep
  • Why you should read on a regular basis
  • The habits that will help you handle your workload
  • The habits that will help you deal with setbacks and remain calm in times of stress

Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • This course will teach you how to adopt a calmer outlook on life, which in turn will improve your mental and physical health
  • This course will improve your resilience, meaning you will be able to cope more easily with the demands of your work
  • If you mentor others at work, this course will help you pass on useful tips that will help them succeed
  • This course will be of interest if you enjoy learning about positive psychology, as it will help you appreciate why some people are more successful than others

The Art of Persuasion Certification

The art of persuasion is a difficult one to master but is an invaluable skill to possess.

No one wants to be forced to use coercion or aggressive tactics to get their point across or to find common ground on an issue.

Persuasion is based on reasoning and understanding rather than hostility or threats, making it the best way to convince your conversation partner that you are right or that your way of doing things is the preferred one.

This course goes into detail about how you can develop your own persuasive skills. By practising these skills, you may find that you master the art of persuasion in very little time.

We begin by discussing the way human behavior is often motivated.

Next, we move on to discuss Aristotle's persuasive techniques - ones that are still very relevant today.

Finally, we leave you with the steps you should take to ensure that your argument is persuasive. These steps work well in both speech and the written word, making them ideal for essay writers and presenters alike.

You Will Learn:

  • The five main influencers of human behavior and how you should respond to them
  • The four modes of persuasion and how they can be applied today
  • Information on how those persuasive techniques can be used for good or bad intentions
  • How to use Monroe's Motivated Sequence to your advantage

Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • Learning how to become more persuasive in your everyday life without resorting to aggression
  • Being able to participate in more productive conversations
  • Understanding why people tend to display the habits they do
  • Learning how to use simple persuasive techniques in your everyday speech
  • Learning how to construct a persuasive argument in just a few simple steps

of achievement

This certificate is presented to

Your Name


For completing the

Self Improvement 10 Course Bundle Certification

on 21st November 2024

Selena Hurford

Selena Hurford

Course Tutor


Daniel Morgan

Daniel Morgan

Head of Academy

Certificate Example

Anyone who has an interest in learning more about this subject matter is encouraged to take the course. There are no entry requirements to take the course.

The course is broken down into 0 individual modules. Each module takes between 20 and 90 minutes on average to study. Although you are free to spend as much or as little time as you feel necessary on each module, simply log in and out of the course at your convenience.

You can study the course any time you like. Simply log in and out of the web based course as often as you require. The course is compatible with all computers, tablet devices and smart phones so you can even study while on the move!

Once you have completed all 0 modules there is a multiple choice test. The questions will be on a range of topics found within the 0 modules. The test, like the course, is online and can be taken a time and location of your choosing.

The pass mark for the test is 70%.

If you don’t pass the test first time you will get further opportunities to take the test again after extra study. There are no limits to the number of times you can take the test. All test retakes are included within the price of the course.

Once you have completed your test you can log in to your account and download/print your certificate any time you need it. If you would prefer us to post you a certificate to a UK address, there will be an admin charge of £10 (certificates sent internationally may cost more).

You can either use your Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Solo cards or PayPal account to pay for the online course. Our site uses the latest SSL encryption to ensure your safety. All payments are handled securely by PayPal.

You can begin the course immediately after your payment has been received. You will create your login details during the checkout process. We will also send you an email confirming your login details.

We estimate that the course will take about 8 hours to complete in total, plus an additional 30 minutes for the end of course test.

Once you have been awarded your certificate it is valid for life. The certificate does not expire or need renewing.

I found the CRM course to be very informative & user friendly. The knowledge I've gained, after completing five detailed modules & a short exam, has given me a much better understanding of CRM and this personal development will help me to implement new processes in the workplace. The entire course is available on demand, before and after completion, meaning you can go over every module until you're confident enough to take the exam. For anybody looking to gain information on what Customer Relationship Management is, and how it can improve your business, I cannot not recommend this course highly enough.

Joe Shawyer

This course was amazing and fun!

Not only was it very informative and well categorized and divided into easy learning sections, but also very complete and offering tons of valuable information to succeed as a Landscaper.

The illustrations and photos are very helpful and provide a clear image of how to do things and how things ought to look and also help for future reference along with the worksheets that are downloadable which assist in the learning process.

The course covers every aspect of Garden Design & Landscaping and it was a pleasure completing this course - highly recommend it to anybody with an interest in becoming a Landscaper or for the individual who has an interest in broadening their knowledge in the garden.

Wayne Lavarinhas

This is a fantastic course! I really enjoyed it. The most useful module is about working with autistic children. There are lots of tips how to deal with autistic behaviour!

This course really helps me in my work as a support for the 4-old autistic boy in a nursery. Every day I use an imaginative role play to develop his social skills. It really works! This course also increases my knowledge about autism and other related conditions.

Thanks to all modules I could increase my English terminology about autism as well (I am Polish). I can recommend this course to all people who are interested in autism! Thank you very much for this course.

Monika Dudek

It was great, lots of knowledge and able to learn at my own pace was fantastic, and that I have access to it after completing exam is great too!

I am excited to start further learning and will likely try another course provided from this website! Exam was easy and straight forward, and provided you with the questions you did not get correct so that you are able to further study.

I have recommended this site to friends and family, and will continue learning! Thank you so much New Skills Academy! You are an amazing site and I am grateful!

Anahita Dehghani

I have just complete the nail technician diploma award and delivered professional manicures and nail extensions to my friends and family who are very pleased with their treatments! The course was easy to follow and fun to do!

Fiona Baker

I must honestly say that this course website is a great help for learning new information on previous courses as I did a Premiere Animal Care 1 year course.

Ever since my mum introduced me to this website and got me on the "Dog Grooming Diploma" course through New Skills , we also came across many other great courses and offers and not only did I learn new skills, techniques and information while working on my modules my previous knowledge on dog care expanded tremendously!

I would definitely recommend this website to friends and family to help them gain skills, experience and knowledge on whatever job they are hoping to get with the qualifications from their chosen course.

Parmjit Uppal

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